Dealing with Dark Times...

It is a politically charged and emotionally intense day here in the United States. Ironically, this holiday season, the whole world seems to be focused on cries of corruption, climate crisis, injustice and inequality.
It would be easy to say, "These are dark times."
- What if, this year, the story of Christmas moves us into a new possibility for modern living?
- What if this holiday season reminds us that during the darkest of nights, a new hope for the world can be born where it is least expected?
- What if, like the lights of Hanukkah, our fire burns longer and brighter than logic or reason could justify?
As we head into the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year, may we each find that spark within us, and bring the light of Love triumphantly to the world through our actions.
What if this is the time to let Love take the lead?
As individuals, our love of peace, of justice, of democracy, and of humanity is a light in the world. Imagine what miracles we will see if (when?) we have the faith to follow that star.
Thank you for being part of our "What If" UP Community. If you know of others who would like to join us in leading change with love and light, please invite them to join us.
'Tis the season of miracles. Keep your eyes open and listen to the whisperings of your heart. It ALWAYS knows the way...
Mindy Audlin
Author of "What If It All Goes RIGHT?"