A light in the darkness...

A tragedy has impacted my little town in Colorado. Teen suicide has become the leading cause of death for people in our state between the ages of...

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What if you could strengthen your resilience?

As you may know, each month I connect live with our What If UP Club Online for an hour of teaching, sharing, coaching & encouragement....

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Getting to Know YOU!

Here's what I've noticed this week:

It doesn't matter how vast our differences may seem, when we take the time to get to know and understand each...

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When You're Down and Troubled...

The words are by Carole King. You may know it best in the harmonious voice of James Taylor.  The message is universal. And perhaps today...

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The Three Priorities

April has been a whirlwind. This morning, I sat down to regroup, refocus, and reprioritize.

As I reflected on my priorities, I realized that my top...

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The Invincible Strength of the Human Spirit

I'm struggling to put into words what I've experienced in the past 24 hours...

I'm in California this week.  Yesterday, I had the honor...

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How to Rally when you Feel Defeated

Sometimes you win. Sometimes you lose. But ouch. Sometimes a defeat can hit us hard.

This past week, I've had the opportunity to witness...

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Who do you think you are?

We took a deep dive last night in our monthly What If Up Club online coaching call... daring to explore our thoughts and feelings...

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Playing on the Thin Branches

Here's a big question for you.  Be honest.

How willing are you to learn? To change? To grow?

Most of us nod our head and affirm that we are...

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A Rising Tide...

You've probably heard the aphorism, "A rising tide lifts all boats," right?

Usually, the phrase is used in an economic context, but for today's ...

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The Luck O' the Irish

I was talking with my friend Robin yesterday, and I mentioned to her that I was considering doing a special What If Wednesday this week to...

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What's Your Story?

Seen any good movies lately?

Personally, I love gooey cheesy chick-flicks.  In the beginning, it may look like things aren't working out, yet...

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