The Happy Dance

When is the last time you did your "Happy Dance"? You know the one...  Yep. That one.

What was the occasion?  A celebration?  The...

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Space to Breathe

Ever feel like you've got so much on your plate, there's never a chance to stop and breathe?

Yet, something inside you knows that you do have the...

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This heartfelt request of our community popped up through our online What If UP Membership Group.

How would YOU respond?

"I'm preparing...

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Starting Something New...

I am still riding high from last night's Kick-Off Party! My dear friend Joe Vitale, from the movie The Secret, was our special guest and it was...

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What if our rituals help us heal?

Whether it's crossing your fingers for good luck, or experiencing a more formal "rite of passage," science is showing us that rituals can help us...

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Creating a Shift toward a Mission-Centric Organization

Dr. Gary Simmons from Unity Spiritual Center in Spokane, Washington, joins me to discuss the challenges and best practices for churches that wish...

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